Saturday, May 31, 2008

We love to walk to the library!

Thursday was our last day to spend with Grandma & Grandpa, so while the men worked in the basement, we walked to our AWESOME new library! We love to go there for storytime and just to play and check out books. Then Daddy picked up Grandma and the boys (b/c they all needed naps!) and we went to the park with our friends, Krista and her daughters, Kyra & Erika (they were at Ashley's party). We took some last pics with Grandma & Grandpa before Daddy took them to the bus station and we looked at a cool book--it's the song Grandpa, by the Judds, and they illustrated it! I'll post that on Father's Day... We love to read books at the library... and do puzzles... and make puppet shows... and play with the toys! Ashley & Lauren having some quiet time, reading a book together... Daniel wanting to do everything the girls do... Lauren just wanting anything Daniel has (but he's easy and let's her have his chair--he probably pulled her hair after this was taken though--little stinker)! GOOD BYE GRANDMA & GRANDPA SUTTON! Group shot (Lily was still sleeping--she came over after lunch). Listening to "Grandpa" and looking at the book.

Daddy's Office & Rocky Mountain National Park

On Wednesday, we took Grandma & Grandpa Sutton to Daddy's office at Imagine Nation Books, in Gunbarrell (northern Boulder). It was good to see many people we haven't seen in awhile. Ashley got her birthday present from Aunt Peg--a lady bug umbrella (which we could have used the day before)! Then we went to the Rocky Mountain National Park and there was still snow on bear lake (we went there around Easter and there was 5-6 feet of snow and the lake was frozen over and we walked on it--there are pics in an earlier blog). Then we met Virgil & Jan at Texas Roadhouse and enjoyed some great steak! We decided we should take Grandpa Sutton out to eat for ALL of the hard work he did in our basement (pics of that will follow later). Walking into Daddy's office with Grandma & Grandpa! Charlie is from Iowa too (we knew him when we lived in Fairfield). Aunt Peg runs the Company Store (lots of pics of the kids on her bulletin board)! We like to play in the warehouse! Go faster Ashley! Cool ladybug umbrella from Aunt Peg! Ashley is such an awesome climber... and so is Daniel, since he wants to do EVERYTHING his big sister does! Just too cute not to post! Just like Grandpa! Three generations of Sutton men!

SEVEN KIDS in our home!

On Tuesday we had 7 kids over to play! Mommy watches Lauren & Ryan 2 days a week, and Lily usually comes over once or twice a week, and now Sawyer (4 1/2)& Maggie (1) will come over once or twice a week too! We had a lot of fun playing with cars and after naptime we danced around and tried to catch bubbles! Grandma had a lot of fun being with all of the kids and talking with their mommies. It was a great (but tiring) day! All smiles while playing with cars--VROOM! VROOM! Eating lunch...Daniel ran off somewhere... Lily, Lauren, Grandma & Maggie, Ashley, Daniel & Ryan (Sawyer was STILL sleeping)! Lauren caught a bubble and was showing Grandma, her buddy! My little rag-a-muffin! This reminds me of pics from when I was little--it seemed like we didn't own a hairbrush for years! Lauren caught TWO bubbles! This is her trying to smile & say cheese! Ryan wants to catch one too! Maggie is happy just to watch all of the commotion!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Our Day with Grandma

Grandma & Grandpa Sutton arrived Sunday night around 7:30 and then we went to the Village Inn for dinner, so it was a very LONG day for the kids! We took it easy Monday morning and let Daniel take a morning nap. While Daddy & Grandpa worked on the basement, Ashley, Daniel and I took Grandma to Flatirons Mall, to go to the Disney Store, Children's Place, to get a fruit smoothy and play in the dinosaur area--what fun! The kids LOVE To climb and jump and run and wore Grandma out, just watching them!

Eva turns 1!

YEAH--Eva's 1st birthday! She will actually turn 1 on June 1st (her Golden birthday)! I got to hold this precious little girl when she was just hours home from the hospital...I'll always remember that day, b/c I brought them some pot roast and I was talking with Michelle and she said, "Do you want to hold her?"...and I'm like, "Um, YES!" She was so tiny, 5 pounds, and so very sweet. The Diaz family has been a part of our small group for over a year now, and they've been a blessing to me. Michelle and I have many things in common, she has a love for our Lord and for missions that inspires me, and so do David and Paul (mostly their quietness in public, but Michelle and I both talk a lot, so it's all good)! We went to see Steven Curtis Chapman with them, for our 4th anniversary (I'm sitting here at 5:00 in the morning, listening to him sing Cinderella and praying for his family, as last Wednesday one of his sons back out of their driveway and their youngest daughter Maria, was hit and killed).
On a happier note...Eva turns 1--YEAH! We had a lot of fun celebrating with her and her family and the Betsches, another family in our small group (which isn't so small--we have 7 couples and 13 kids--I'll post about them soon). After the party, we went downtown to the bus station, to pick up Grandma & Grandpa Sutton! We all had a nice dinner at the Village Inn and then chatted awhile at home. Daniel was crying on the way home, that he wanted to go to bed, this was around 9:00 and Ashley crawled into bed (which is in our room for the next 4 nights) around 10:20! We'll have good times today! I'll post later about whatever adventures we go on with Grandma, while David and Ray work on the basement. Until then...Eva turned 1--YEAH (did I mention that?)! A special moment with Tender Heart Bear (before the beating)! Big brother Benjamin, flying a cool bird kite! He is a very sweet boy. Ashley took her hat off, so I could get a better pic of her (umprompted)! Daniel, striking a bad boy pose with Mommy (actually, he had just woke up, after sleeping for 3 1/2 hours)! Ashley, already doing tricks on a horse! Katie & Lizzy will have fun teaching her how to ride a hore (my brother Mick and his wife Pam, own a horse farm in Tampa)! Big Sister Sierra going really fast on her horse! She's in the same class with Ashley at church. Daniel taking the first whacks at Tender Heart Bear (YES, the children beat the tar out of a Care Bear...I can only imagine the therapy sessions later on in life)! Eva eating cake with Mommy! She was begging for it (it was delicious)! Our little dare-devil (like the chocolate all over his face?)! He knows what he wants and he goes for it! This is Ethan...he was Ashley's buddy at the party, but I didn't have a good face shot of them (as they were climbing and running a lot--they like to play TAG together)!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


We started writing thank you cards (b/c we just finished opening all of the presents--we like to spread it out, to enjoy the celebrating longer!) to all of Ashley's family & friends who blessed her on her 3rd birthday...then we painted with water colors...those pics are under the post about presents from Mommy's friends (Jen sent us hours of entertainment)! This is a tribute to the important people in Ashley's life...both near & far! Grace & Maddie gave Ashley a beautiful pink puppy dog (that they picked out themselves)! Ashley loves it and Daniel enjoys playing with it too! Their mom, Jen, is our Children's Minister and good friend, and she kindly did the beautiful face painting on all of the princesses! Ashley has known Chloe since she was about 6 months old. They were the best of friends for a long time. Chloe helped Ashley open the present she gave her--they were both very enthralled with the process! Ashley LOVES her Aurura doll (or Sleeping Beauty as she is better known). Tammy & Lily have also known Ashley since she was about 6 months old! Tammy wraps presents so beautifully! Her sister Lara & her son Erik came too! They gave Ashley an awesome pink Barbie convertible car, a Barbie that is dressed in Hillary Duff fashions, and 2 board games! We met Ana in our birthing class, so Ashley & Kira have known each other since before they were born! They gave Ashley a beautiful Birthday Barbie doll, some tiarra accessories, some cool water color paints and a beautiful shirt with flowers on it! Ashley & Lauren are best buddies...they get to spend 2 days a week together and sometimes more. Lauren (and Kate & Ryan) got Ashley an awesome view finder and Princess Memory game (the girls did really well playing it) and they gave her some Disney stickers and a cute cupcake T-shirt! Kyra is in Ashley's class at church and we went to story time together too. Her older sister Erika, is a sweetheart and she came to our party after she got home from school. They gave Ashley an adorable purple travel bag, filled with jewelry! There are necklaces, bracelets, rings, ear rings and a barrett! Jordyn (not in this pic) & Jaylee go to our church too (Jaylee & Daniel are involved in a love triangle in the 1 & 2s class)! Their mom Laura, was watching her nephew Ian and brought him along. They got Ashley a Ballarina Barbie and a cool traveling coloring pad that has a crayon case attached. Daniel wants to get his hands on it!